One of the most crazy adventures we've had together was when we went yurting. What exactly is yurting? Well in a sense it's like camping but more intense. You hike through the woods to a little cabin or tipi, and then you basically have the bare minimums while you stay there. So that means no lights, bathrooms, sinks. NONE! But there is a fireplace so you can make some amazing beef stew.
When Jenny and i first went yurting we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into because we didn't know what yurting even was? So when we got to when we were gonna start hiking through the woods we got a little nervous for what was gonna happen, and then when we got the the cabin where there was absolutely nothing which we weren't expecting. And then the fun times started! There was about ten people total so it was bound to get really crazy and interesting. When we all decided to play capture the flag in the dark we were pretty pumped because it was boys against girls which is always a blast. So being the sneaky girls we all were they decided to bury the flag but have a little bit of it sticking out of the ground so the boys had a little bit of a chance.
After about half an hour Jenny and i finally go over to the boys side to look for their flag which was conveniently right at the bottom of a tree which we were hiding right behind. So after grabbing the flag we started sneaking back to our side so we could win but then i accidentally stepped in a big thing of mud in which my foot got stuck in. So being the girl she is Jenny tried helping me out of the mud, using all her strength and then it happened. She fell into the mud face first and then was covered in mud. But she stayed as quiet as she could so we didn't get caught by the guys team. So after about ten minutes i finally got my foot out and then i helped Jenny out of it and we ran like crazy to our side. And so the girls one and everyone wondered why exactly we were all muddy and that started the story telling.
It was the best memory that Jenny and i ever had and will always remember.
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